small-loan company

英 美
  • 小额贷款公司
  • company;商号;陪伴;同伴;客人;[军]连;一群v.陪伴
  • loan n.贷款;借出v.借;供应货款
  • small adj.小的;年幼的;少的;不重要的;小气的adv.小地;小块地;小声地n.狭小部分;(pl.)零星物品;(pl.)小件衣服
名词 small loan company:
  1. a finance company that makes loans to people who have trouble getting a bank loan

    1. The number of shareholders of a small-sum loan company shall satisfy the quorum provisions.
    2. Check in with your accountant, broker, insurance agent, or mortgage company for new information on rates and services.